Hall Facility Booking Hall availability is 6pm to 9pm Monday - Friday and 9am to 5pm Saturday and Sunday.

Cost per Hour: €25

Minimum Duration: 1 Hour

Maximum Duration: 3 Hours

Repeat Bookings: Available

Hall dimensions: The multipurpose hall is approximately 45ft wide and 87ft in length. (Approximately 4000 sq. ft.) The hall is suitable for activities such as basketball, indoor soccer, birthday parties, athletics, yoga, bingo, talent shows, concerts, martial arts, indoor markets etc.

The hall is suitable for smaller events also as it can be divided by a curtain. A service hatch links the hall with the meeting room and kitchen and makes the service of refreshments easy.

For more information please contact the Centre Manager on Tel: 087 9209673 or Office Manager, Bernie Kearney on Tel: 066 7134067

Hall Availabilitiy

See the calendar below for booking options, please ring the numbers provided to secure a booking.